Checking and Editing the Sewing Order

  1. Select how patterns are displayed in the [Sewing Order] pane.
  2. Select the desired command to change the sewing order.
  3. Optimize Sewing Order
    Click to rearrange the sewing order so that the parts of the entered objects with the same thread color will be sewn together.
  4. Thread Color
    Set the color of the selected object.
  5. Show/hides in the work area the stitched objects.
  6. Lock
    Click to lock the selected object so it cannot be edited.
  7. Jump Stitch Trimming
    The Jump Stitch Trimming function can be turned on or off.
  8. Select Patterns
    Selects the patterns in the Design Page.
  1. Click the [View] tab.
  2. Click [Sewing Order] in the [Show/Hide] group.
    Clicking the button switches between displaying and hiding the Sewing Order.
  3. Click in the [Sewing Order] pane, and then click [Zoom] and [Show by color order].

    Click to enlarge each pattern to fill its frame.

    Show by color order
    Click to display in one frame all patterns of the same color that will be sewn together.

    1. OFF
    2. ON

    When multiple same color patterns are combined into one frame, appears to the left of that frame.
    Click to display the combined same color patterns in separate frames.
    appears under the first frame, and each frame is displayed with a subnumber following the first, to indicate its sewing order within the patterns of the same color.
    Click to recombine all of the same color patterns back into one frame.

Sewing order optimization

The sewing order and entry and exit points can be automatically adjusted to reduce the number of thread color changes and jump stitches.

Click to optimize the sewing order.
For the pattern at the right (the numbers indicate the sewing order), the sewing order will be adjusted as shown below.

The sewing order is adjusted so that patterns of the same color are grouped in the most optimized sequence.

In addition, patterns of the same color are optimized so that the exit point of the previous pattern and the entry point of the next pattern are the closest points.

However, overlapping patterns will be arranged in the most appropriate sewing order.

Editing the sewing order

The sewing order can be changed by selecting the frame containing the pattern, then dragging the frame to the new location. A red line appears, indicating the position where the frame is being moved.

The frame can also be moved by clicking in the [Sewing Order] pane, then clicking the desired command in the menu that appeared.

Sew First
Click to move the selected pattern to the beginning of the sewing order.

Sew Previous
Click to move the selected pattern ahead one position in the sewing order.

Sew Next
Click to move the selected pattern back one position in the sewing order.

Sew Last
Click to move the selected pattern to the end of the sewing order.

Check the stitching after changing the sewing order to be sure that overlapping patterns will not be sewn in the wrong order.

Selecting a pattern

  1. Click a frame containing the pattern in the [Sewing Order] pane.
    1. Blue line
    2. Marching line

    To select multiple patterns, hold down the <Shift> or <Ctrl> key while clicking the frames for the desired patterns. In addition, multiple frames can be selected by dragging the pointer over them.

  2. Click in the [Sewing Order] pane to select the pattern in the Design Page corresponding to the frame selected in the [Sewing Order] pane. The pattern can also be selected by double-clicking its frame in the [Sewing Order] pane.

Changing colors

  1. Select one or more frames in the [Sewing Order] pane, and then click at the top of the [Sewing Order] pane.

    The Color pane appears in front of the other panes.

  2. Click the desired color in the [Color] pane.

    Color pane

Changing sewing attributes

  1. In the [Sewing Order] pane, select one or more frames containing a pattern other than a stitch pattern.

    The sew type selector for the selected frame appears.

  2. Click the [Sewing Attributes] tab.

    If the [Sewing Attributes] pane is not displayed, click the [View] tab, then [Attributes], and then click [Sewing Attributes].

  3. Change the sewing attributes and sew type.

    Line sew types, Region sew types and Specifying sewing attributes

Displaying/hiding frames not sewn

Frames containing patterns that will not be sewn can be displayed or hidden.

Click , then [Hide Objects Not Stitched].

  1. OFF
  2. ON

As a default, frames containing patterns that will not be sewn will be hidden.

When frames containing patterns that will not be sewn are displayed, that frame can be selected and its pattern can be edited.

Hiding embroidery patterns

Each embroidery patterns can be displayed or hidden in the Design Page. Overlapping embroidery patterns can easily be edited if the pattern not being edited is hidden.

Select a frame, and then click .

  1. ON
  2. OFF
  • Frames with contain multiple patterns of the same color. If these frames are selected to be displayed, all patterns in the frame are displayed.
  • appears if the display setting is not the same for all patterns in a frame with beside it.
  • Displaying either the line or region of an embroidery pattern made up of an outline and inside region displays the entire embroidery pattern.

Locking embroidery patterns

Embroidery patterns can be locked to prevent them from being moved or deleted. Locked embroidery patterns cannot be selected or edited in the Design Page.

Select a frame, and then click .

  • Frames with contain multiple patterns of the same color. If these frames are selected to be locked, all patterns in the frame are locked.
  • appears if the lock setting is not the same for all patterns in a frame with beside it.
  • Locking either the line or region of an embroidery pattern made up of an outline and inside region locks the entire embroidery pattern.
  • Locking any part of a combined pattern, such as grouped patterns, text arranged on a curve or patterns with hole sewing specified, locks the entire embroidery pattern.