Creating a floral pattern

Line stitching in a floral pattern can be created based on the selected shape.

  1. Draw a shape, and then select it.

    Be sure to select a closed line.

    Changing the attributes of line ends

  2. Click the [Shapes] tab.
  3. Click [Create Floral Pattern] in the [Edit] group.

Basic mode

  1. Drag the [Density] slider to adjust the pattern.
  2. Click the desired pattern, and then click [OK].

Detailed mode

More detailed settings can be specified in Detail mode.

  1. Click [To detailed mode] in the [Floral Pattern] dialog box.
  2. Drag the [Density] slider and the [Pattern] slider to adjust the pattern.

    Density 3, Pattern 251

    Density 10, Pattern 251

    Density 6, Pattern 251

    Density 6, Pattern 0

  3. After the pattern has been adjusted as desired, click [OK].

    The running stitch is specified for the floral line pattern.