Precautions for embroidering small text patterns.
Sample small text font patterns are available in the [Import] pane when [Text] is selected in the [From] selector and [Small Text] is selected in the [Category] selector.
Small text attributes can be selected from the [Text] tab, the [Text Attributes] pane and the [Color] pane. When the small text tool is selected, the [Text] tab appears as shown below.
The [Text] tab appears when a small text pattern or the small text tool is selected.
Only built-in fonts specifically for small text can be used.
For a list of the built-in fonts specifically for small text, refer to Small Text.
The settings for all small text attributes except the font are specified in the same way that they are specified for regular text patterns.
However, with small text, settings cannot be specified for the following.
To edit an entered small text, select the small text with the [Select] tool, and then type the new text into the text field in the [Text Attributes] pane.There are three other ways to edit text.
For best results when using your embroidery machine to embroider patterns containing small font patterns, follow the recommendations described below.