Step 2 Using the Cutwork Wizard

  1. Select the four leaves, and then click the [Home] tab.
  2. Click [Cutwork Wizard] in the [Wizards] group to start the [Cutwork Wizard].
    • The [Cutwork Wizard] can also be used if closed shape patterns or text patterns are selected.
    • If a line of the pattern crosses itself, the [Cutwork Wizard] will not be available.
    • Text with built-in font 025 or 029 or a user-defined font cannot be used.
    • Shape patterns and text patterns cannot be combined.
  3. Specify settings in the [Cutwork Wizard] in the following order 1 - 5.
    1. Stabilize Cut Edge
    2. Cutting Line
    3. Secure Water-Soluble Stabilizer
    4. Net Fill
    5. Covering Satin Stitch

      To return all parameters to their default settings, click [Default].

  4. Specify running stitching along the edge before cutting in [Stabilize Cut Edge].

    By specifying that running stitches be sewn before the fabric is cut, the cut edges are reinforced, preventing them from unraveling.

    For this example, select [Yes].

  5. Specify cutting line type in [Cutting Line].

    Select whether the fabric will be cut along the cutting line or whether the cutting line will remain as running stitches.

    For this example, select [Cutting].


    In order for this setting to be available

    Basic requirements for Cutwork functions

    Select this setting to cut the fabric with a machine installed with cutwork needles.

    Running Stitch

    Select this setting to sew the cutting line, then cut along the cutting line with scissors.

  6. Specify securing of the water-soluble stabilizer in [Secure Water-Soluble Stabilizer].

    Running stitches will be sewn to secure the water-soluble stabilizer after the fabric has been cut. In order to prevent embroidery from losing its shape after it has been cut, place water-soluble stabilizer in the cutout areas and sew it in place.

    For this example, select [Yes].

  7. Specify net fill stitching inside the cutout areas in [Net Fill].

    By sewing net fill stitching in cutouts, inner cutouts can be reinforced while allowing for a greater design variety.

    For this example, select [Yes].

    Select the parameters according to the procedure from step 8 to 10, when [Net Fill] is set to [Yes].

  8. Specify the net fill stitch pattern in [Pattern].

    Five net fill stitch patterns are available.

    For this example, select [Pattern 2].

    Pattern 1

    Pattern 2

    Pattern 3

    Pattern 4

    Pattern 5

  9. Specify the pattern spacing for the net fill stitch in [Spacing].

    For this example, set it to [3.0 mm].

    2.0 mm

    10.0 mm

  10. Specify the pattern direction of the net fill stitch in [Direction].

    For this example, set it to [0°].


  11. Specify satin stitching after cutting in [Covering Satin Stitch].

    Satin stitching is sewn along the edges of inner cutouts.
    The zigzag stitch or the stem stitch is used as an underlay for the satin stitching.

    For this example, select [Yes].

    Select the parameters according to the procedure from step 12 to 13, when [Covering Satin Stitch] is set to [Yes].

  12. Specify the width of the satin stitching in [Width].

    For this example, set it to [4.0 mm].

    3.0 mm

    6.0 mm

  13. Specify the density of the satin stitching in [Density].

    For this example, set it to [6.5 line/mm].

    5.0 line/mm

    7.0 line/mm

  14. Click [OK] to exit the [Cutwork Wizard].