Designs can be transferred to an embroidery machine equipped with a card slot.
For details on writing multiple embroidery designs, refer to Transferring Embroidery Designs to Machines.
Data transfer begins. The following message appears while the data is being transferred.
Transferring split embroidery designs
Embroidery patterns for the split patterns created on the custom-sized Design Page are written to cards split into their separate sections.
If the total size of the pattern exceeds the capacity of the media or the machine's memory or if the pattern is split into over 80 sections with a Design Page size of 90 × 90 cm (35.4" × 35.4"), you will need to split the pattern and write the separate sections onto several media.
If all pattern sections cannot be saved with a single operation, the [Select Hoop Sections] dialog box appears. Select pattern sections until the media becomes full.
The card capacity indicator at the top of the dialog box shows the amount of space available on the card (white) and the amount of space used by the pattern sections (blue).
When a pattern section is selected, the total amount of space used by the selected pattern sections appears in blue. If the capacity is exceeded, the entire card capacity indicator appears in red. To deselect a pattern section, click it again.
Click [Write] to write the selected pattern sections to the media. (The [Write] button is available only when a pattern section is selected and there is sufficient space on the media for the selected pattern sections.)
For details on creating split embroidery designs, refer to Tutorial 10-1: Creating Split Embroidery Designs.