Wireless Link

Embroidery designs can be embroidered by transferring the embroidery data from the computer to one or more embroidery machines that support the Wireless Link function. This is useful when the embroidery machine and computer are set up where they cannot be connected with a USB cable.

  • The Wireless Link function can be used only with embroidery machines compatible with the function; it cannot be used with other machines. For details, refer to the instruction manual provided with your embroidery machine.
  • The Wireless Link function cannot be used with the following embroidery designs.
    • Size exceeds the area that can be embroidered with the machine
    • Embroidery designs in a Design Page of a custom size or for the jumbo frame
    • Size selected in the [Hoop Size] selector of the [Design Settings] dialog box is for an embroidery hoop that does not fit within the maximum embroidering area of the embroidery machine to which the data is transferred
  • Up to ten embroidery machines can be connected using the Wireless Link function.
  1. Create an embroidery design in [Layout & Editing].
  2. Connect to the embroidery machine wirelessly, and then set to the Link mode that uses a wireless network connection.

    For details on setting the machine, refer to the instruction manual provided with your embroidery machine.

  3. Click , and then click [Options]. Display the [Network Machine Settings] dialog box, and then register an embroidery machine on the network.

    For detailed instructions, see Transferring to a machine via wireless network.

  4. Click the [Home] tab.
  5. Click [Send] in the [Sew] group, and then click [Wireless Link].
    1. Transferred design
      Displays transferred data. If [Connection Error] occurred, the error information appears.
    2. Queue
      Displays the data before it is transferred to the embroidery machine.

      When the machine is ready to start loading the data, data transfer begins. While the data is being transferred, a message appears in the screen of the embroidery machine, and the design moves to the transferred design area.

      If the data sent from [Layout & Editing] does not appear in the transferred design box, continue the operation by using the machine's operation panel.

      If you want to send more than one design to the [Wireless Link] dialog box, repeat steps 4 and 5 for each design. The [Wireless Link] dialog will remain open while the selected design from [Layout & Editing] will be sent to the Link.

  6. After the design has been transferred, press the start/stop button on the embroidery machine to begin embroidering.

    The transferred data cannot be edited from the embroidery machine. The received data can only be embroidered. However, embroidering settings can be specified.

When embroidering is started, the following appears in the [Wireless Link] dialog box.

  1. Transferred design
  2. Queue
  3. Shows the status of the embroidery machine.
  4. Status indication

Each status indication is described below




Press the button on the embroidery machine (Start/Stop button) to start sewing.


If there is no data in the queue 2, select [Wireless Link] as the destination in the application, and send data.
If this is the status even though there is data in the queue 2, continue the operation by using the machine's operation panel.


The machine is sewing.


The machine has temporarily been stopped.

Color change

Change the thread spool on the machine.

Check thread

Check the bobbin thread or the upper thread on the machine.

Check frame

Install a different embroidery frame on the machine.


Check the details of the error that occurred on the machine.

Connection Error

The error information appears in the box (1) where the transferred design is displayed.

If the embroidery machine is not in Wireless Link mode, start it up in Wireless Link mode.

If a network error has occurred, check the network connection between the computer and embroidery machine.


Searching for an embroidery machine on the same network.

If multiple designs were sent to a single machine

Multiple embroidery designs can be embroidered after being sent to the [Wireless Link] dialog box. In this case, the dialog box appears as shown below.

The following operations can be performed from this dialog box.

  1. Moves the selected design(s) to the beginning of the embroidering order.
  2. Moves the selected design(s) one position forward in the embroidering order.
  3. Moves the selected design(s) one position backward in the embroidering order.
  4. Moves the selected design(s) to the end of the embroidering order.
  5. Automatically adjusts the embroidering order of the designs to reduce as much as possible the number of thread color changes.
  6. Deletes the selected design(s) from the [Wireless Link] dialog box.
  7. Reconnects to the machine if communication was interrupted. Available only if a network error has occurred.

    Before the message "The machine will move. Keep your hands etc. away from the machine." appears on the machine and [OK] is pressed, the embroidering order of the designs, including the first one, can be changed since the first design has not yet been sent to the machine.

If multiple embroidery machines are connected

The [Distributor] dialog box appears, in addition with the [Wireless Link] dialog box for each embroidery machine. The designs in the [Distributor] dialog will all be selected. Specify which file is to be transferred to which machine.

Distributor dialog box

  1. Selects all embroidery designs.
  2. Deselects the embroidery designs.
  3. Deletes the selected embroidery design. (The design is deleted without being moved to the <Recycle Bin>.)
  1. Select a machine in the [Machine Name] 1 selector, select an embroidery file, and then click [Send] 2.
    1. Machine Name
    2. Sends the selected embroidery file to the [Wireless Link] dialog box.
    3. The [Distributor] dialog box can also be displayed by clicking [Distributor] on the [Option] menu of the [Wireless Link] dialog box.
      • With embroidery machines that support Wireless Link mode, the name registered with the embroidery machine appears as the machine name.
        For details, refer to the instruction manual provided with your embroidery machine.

      The embroidery designs are moved to the [Wireless Link] dialog box.

  2. Repeat step 1 to move each design to the [Wireless Link] dialog box.
    • To exit Wireless Link mode, click in the upper-right corner of the [Wireless Link] dialog box.
    • If the embroidery machine is turned off while embroidering, a network error will occur. Turn the machine off, then on again, and then press to re-establish the connection.

    * It may not be possible to re-establish the connection, even after pressing , until the embroidery machine has restarted.

Changing the number of connected embroidery machines

Click [Options] in the [Wireless Link] dialog box to display the [Network Machine Settings] dialog box. In the list of registered embroidery machines, select the check box of the embroidery machine to connect to, and then click [OK].

The [Wireless Link] dialog box for the embroidery machine appears.

  • To switch between Wireless Link and USB Link, close the dialog box, click [Send] in the [Sew] group, and then click either [Wireless Link] or [USB Link].
    Set the appropriate Link function on the embroidery machine (Wireless LAN or USB cable).