Step 1 Original Image Stage

Extract outlines from an image

  1. Click .
  2. Click [Design Center] under the title [Palette Ver.11] in the screen.
  3. Click .
  4. Click .
  5. Select the desired image file, and then click [Open].

    Airplane image is located at:
    Documents (My documents)\Palette Ver.11\Sample\Design Center

  6. In the image displayed in the [Pick Colors] window, select the colors to be used for the outlines (embroidery lines).

    The selected color appears in a box on the right side, and appears in the check box to show that the color is selected.

    1. The desired color can be selected more easily if the [Zoom] slider is used to enlarge the image.
    2. If a color other than that for the outline was selected, clear the check box beside the color to deselect it.
  7. After selecting the colors to be used for the outlines, click [OK].

    The line image appears in the Design Page.