Converting Embroidery Design Files to Different Formats

Embroidery design files can easily be converted to a file of one of the other formats (.pes, .dst, .exp, .pcs, .hus, .vip, .shv, .jef, .sew, .csd, or .xxx).

  1. In the folder pane, select the folder containing the embroidery design that you want to convert.
  2. In the contents pane, select the embroidery desired format.
  3. Click [File], then [Convert Format].
  4. From the [Format Type] selector, select the desired format.
  5. Under [Output To], select whether the new file is added to the same folder as the original file (Same folder) or to a specified folder (Following folder).

    To change the folder where the new file will be added, click .

  6. Click [Convert].

    The file is converted, and the new file is added to the specified folder.

    • With [DST Settings] on the [Option] menu, the number of jumps for thread trimming can be specified for .dst files.

      Specifying the number of jumps in embroidery design of the DST format

    • If multiple files with different formats are selected to be converted while [Same folder] is selected, any file with the same format as the new one will not be converted. However, if the files are being added to a different folder than the original one, any file with the same format as the new one will be copied to the different folder, instead of being converted.
    • If the file is converted to a .pes file, the thread colors are converted as if the file was imported into Layout & Editing.

    Files cannot be converted to the .phc, or .phx formats.