
Images of all embroidery designs in the selected folder can be printed as a catalog or as an instruction guide.

  1. In the folder pane, select the folder containing the embroidery designs.
  2. Click [File], then [Print Setup].
  3. Under [Paper] 1 and [Orientation] 2, select the appropriate settings.
  4. Select [Color List] 3.
    Color changes

    The thread color information for each color change is displayed.

    Total colors

    The thread color information for the necessary threads is displayed. This allows you to check the total number of thread colors.

    Checking embroidery design information

  5. Select [Print Layout] 4.

    Catalog style 1

    Catalog style 4

    Catalog style 12

    Instruction Guide style

  6. Under [Color Description] 5, select whether the thread colors appear as the name of the color or as the brand and thread number.
  7. Click [Print].
    • If one or more embroidery designs were selected in the contents pane, only the selected designs are printed.
    • If the brand name, thread number or file properties is too long, some of the text may not be printed.
    • If [File], then [Print] is clicked, the embroidery designs are printed according to the settings already selected in the [Print Setup] dialog box.